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Background on conference interpreting

Wikipedia conference interpreting


Website of AIIC:


Website of the German Region of AIIC:


Community platform on conference interpreting issues provided by AIIC


International association of conference interpreter training institutions:



Support organization for interpreters in conflict zones:

Red T


Nuremberg Museum on the War Crime Trials:

Memorium Nürnberger Prozesse


World association of national translator associations:



Storify on the Berlin series of events 2014


Photo gallery on the Berlin series of events 2014


Interview with Peter Less 2012


Interview with Patricia van der Elst


Explanation of the Nuremberg interpretation system


Several other interviews and footage from the Nuremberg Trial can be found on You Tube, in some the interperters' voices can be heard as part of the English sound track


Books & Sources

Andres, D., & Behr, M. (2013). Die Wahrheit, die reine Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit: Erinnerungen der russischen Dolmetscherin Tatjana Stupnikova an den Nürnberger Prozess (Transkulturalität - Translation - Transfer). Frank & Timme.


Gaiba, F. (1998). The Origins of Simultaneous Interpretation: The Nuremberg Trial. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

 Kalverkämper, H., & Schippel, L. (2008). Simultandolmetschen in Erstbewährung: der Nürnberger Prozess 1945. Leipzig: Frank & Timme GmbH.

 Knobloch, C., & Sinn, A. (2008). "Und ich lebe wieder an der Isar": Exil und Rückkehr des Münchner Juden Hans Lamm. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.

 Ramler, S. (2010). Die Nürnberger Prozesse: Erinnerungen des Simultandolmetschers Siegfried Ramler . München: Peter Lang.

  Sonnenfeldt, R. W. (2003). Mehr als ein Leben. Fischer Scherz.


Papers written on this topic by AIIC interpreters:

M F Skuncke

P v d Elst

W Keiser

J Baigorri

C Flerov

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