Konferenzdolmetschen – Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft e.V.
Gemeinnütziger Verein
A non-profit association dedicated, as the German title reflects, to the past, present and future of conference interpreting.
Postal address / Postanschrift:
Vogtsbergstr. 46, DE-90453 Nürnberg
Registered with the Nuremberg court of registration as number: /
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des AG Nürnberg unter Nummer: VR201927
Tax ID / Steuernummer: 241/109/62017
Responsible for website content / Verantwortlich für den Inhalt
Elke Limberger-Katsumi, Diplom-Dolmetscherin (Chair/Vorsitzende)
Bank account/Bankverbindung:
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN DE90 3702 0500 0001 4636 00
Although we take care to monitor external links, we cannot accept liability for their content. Responsibility for these third-party websites rests solely with their operators.
Photo credits:
Photos from the Nuremberg Trial on this site by courtesy of National Archives, USA .
Booth photo on "Who?" page by F. Boxler, Lauf.
All other photographs are private and have been published with the consent of their owners.
The poster for the exhibition “One Trial-Four Languages” was professionally designed by Soshin Katsumi (Diplom-Designer).
English translation:
Kindly provided by Dr Katherine Vanovitch, aiic, Berlin